Yellow Jersey Cycling Holidays

015394 42593 or 07999 883712

Participation Statement

Participation Statement of Yellow Jersey Cycling Holidays

In consideration of Andy Bruce / Yellow Jersey Cycling Holidays [YJCH] allowing me to take part in and engage in any cycling activity, I hereby acknowledge and declare as follows:-

1. I acknowledge that taking part in road cycling activities may be dangerous. I therefore recognise that engaging in these activities is at my own risk. I confirm that YJCH is entitled at any time for whatever reason to deny me access and/or engagement in any activity. I will not hold Andy Bruce / YJCH responsible for illness, loss, injury or death sustained before, during or after participation in any cycling activity provided.

2. I confirm that I am over the age of 18, or if under 18 and over 16 will be accompanied by a parent.

3. I confirm that I have read and understood the Terms and Conditions of Yellow Jersey Cycling Holidays as provided on the website

4. I agree to be bound by and obey these Terms and Conditions and all other rules, regulations and conditions of YJCH, including those contained within this Disclaimer and any other applicable safety rules.

5. I acknowledge that engaging in cycling activities can be physically and mentally demanding and confirm that I am in good health and know of no reason, physical or mental, why I could be unable to take part in such activities.

6. I confirm that I understand the necessity to take out appropriate insurance for the activity that I will take part in.

Please inform me if you have any questions or concerns regarding the points above.


Please read this page carefully. You will be asked to confirm that you have read this before embarking on any cycling activity with me.

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© copyright Andy Bruce 2024